Design styles

Our sites are completely flexible in design. But the key foundation is a ‘look’.

There are several of these and it’s best to start by deciding on the look you prefer as it sets the basics for the use of color and font.

The following sites are examples of the ‘look’. Each of the sites is live and can be scrolled individually to see all the elements.

Below the ‘look’ you can see screenshots of a small sample of the hundreds of sites we have created, with a link to the live site should you wish to check the site out more closely. The screenshots start with single page sites followed by multi page designs.

Movement & Overlay

Subtle Background

Strong Background


Dark Sections

Light Sections

Plain White

Featured Images

Multi page


These screenshot galleries are one view of some of our work. There are many more sites we do not list here where the owners wish to remain under the radar.

The best way to review is to click on the individual site links on your laptop, and especially on your smartphone.

starter site

Multiple Pages

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